A Day Late but Not an Ice Cream Cone Short
On Jul 2, 6:07*am, "jmcquown" > wrote:
> July is National Ice Cream Month in the U.S. (according to a proclaimation
> by President Ronald Reagan in 1984). *So enjoy a scoop, a bowl, a cone, a
> sundae, maybe even a banana split this month! *Sprinkles, no sprinkles....
> toppings or not. *It's up to you. *(My mother loved vanilla ice cream with
> gooey butterscotch topping.) *Me, simply a scoop of coffee ice cream.
> What's yours?
> Jill
I worked outside for a couple hours last night and by the time I came
inside, around 7 or so, I wasn't hungry for anything normal, so I had
some chocolate ice cream for supper. It was perfect, after working in
85-90 degrees!