A Day Late but Not an Ice Cream Cone Short
On Fri, 2 Jul 2010 07:07:28 -0400, "jmcquown" >
>July is National Ice Cream Month in the U.S. (according to a proclaimation
>by President Ronald Reagan in 1984). So enjoy a scoop, a bowl, a cone, a
>sundae, maybe even a banana split this month! Sprinkles, no sprinkles...
>toppings or not. It's up to you. (My mother loved vanilla ice cream with
>gooey butterscotch topping.) Me, simply a scoop of coffee ice cream.
>What's yours?
I can't remember the last time I had a cone. I have ice cream once a
year but my first choice would be caramel pecan in a waffle cone. I
also like raspberry sherbet. I've made ice cream from wild
blackberries and it's excellent but I didn't have a food mill at the
time so it was a pita to eat. I've got a food mill now so I'll be
making some soon. I've even got some black raspberries in the freezer
from last year that need to be used.