Where has this thing been all my life?
Lou Decruss wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Jul 2010 10:49:20 -0400, "Nancy Young"
> > wrote:
>> Lou Decruss wrote:
>>> On Thu, 01 Jul 2010 08:36:59 -0400, "Jean B." > wrote:
>>>> The moral of the story: check, check, check (even when you are
>>>> dealing with pros). Also keep an eye on things as they are being
>>>> installed so you can detect problems before they cannot be
>>>> corrected (or it would be MUCH to disruptive and add way too much
>>>> time to correct them).
>>> wood. The owner, cabinet designer and interior designer all blamed
>>> each other but in the end the owner had to eat over 20 hours of labor.
>>> The hot water heater for the flat had to go inside a cabinet in the
>>> kitchen. They thought they had it all worked out but of course it
>>> didn't fit to we had to take a cabinet apart and rebuilt it to make it
>>> work. It needed to be deeper and taller. That was about another 20
>>> hours of labor because the plumbing rough-in had to be modified.
>>> Mistakes can be expensive.
>> You ever catch that show Renovation Realities? I would say half
>> time you wonder if the people spent even 40 seconds planning
>> the job, and the other half thinking that poor slob, who could have
>> seen that coming? All kinds of bad surprises in renovations.
>> I had a couple in my kitchen redo, but luckily, not too awful.
[sorry to reply this was, but I missed this comment]
No, I don't watch TV. I sometimes think I should have watched
such programs for several years before doing any such thing.
Many of the problems (expanding this to include other areas of the
house) were caused by people ignoring my questions--and giving me
false assurances. Others, I confess, were my lack of knowledge
and too heavy reliance on professionals who should have known
better. Or decisions made by the contractor without asking for my
Oh well, soon this will all be done. Then sometime I have to
tackle the photo issue. I figure I'll put the before, during and
after photos together....
Jean B.