A Day Late but Not an Ice Cream Cone Short
Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
>> July is National Ice Cream Month in the U.S. (according to a
>> proclaimation by President Ronald Reagan in 1984). So enjoy a scoop,
>> a bowl, a cone, a sundae, maybe even a banana split this month!
>> Sprinkles, no sprinkles... toppings or not. It's up to you. (My
>> mother loved vanilla ice cream with gooey butterscotch topping.) Me,
>> simply a scoop of coffee ice cream. What's yours?
>> Jill
> You just can't beat a really good vanilla. Hagen Daz, Ben & Jerry and
> the like. I like most of the fruit flavors and a good chocolate, but
> probably 50% or more of what I eat is vanilla. No toppings needed.
The best vanilla I ever had was in Tokyo. Looks like I'll be
going to Tokyo in October. I'd better not get my hopes up that
this vanilla still exists (ca 27 years later).
Jean B.