Eurobody decrees eggs to be sold by weight only
On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 18:39:20 +0100, Janet Baraclough wrote:
> The message <n9oXn.206522$_m6.20525@hurricane>
> from ChattyCathy > contains these words:
>> On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 11:51:36 -0400, blake murphy wrote:
>> > better check to make sure your chickens aren't ostriches.
>> Hmmm. My chickens cost 15 (local) bucks each. Ostriches cost 2000 hundred
>> (local) bucks each (last time I made inquiries, which was a few
>> years back). But then again, maybe I got a real bargain.
> Easy to tell. If the chickens are taller than you, it's time to get a
> bigger frying pan.
This is true.
Chatty Cathy