A Day Late but Not an Ice Cream Cone Short
"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> On Fri 02 Jul 2010 09:06:06a, Felice told us...
>>>> Jill wrote:
>>>>> July is National Ice Cream Month in the U.S. (according to a
>>>>> proclaimation by President Ronald Reagan in 1984). So enjoy a
>>>>> scoop, a bowl, a cone, a sundae, maybe even a banana split
>>>>> this month! Sprinkles, no sprinkles... toppings or not. It's
>>>>> up to you. (My mother loved vanilla ice cream with gooey
>>>>> butterscotch topping.) Me, simply a scoop of coffee ice cream.
>>>>> What's yours?
>> Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia. No contest.
>> Felice
> ONe of my favorites, too, Felice. I tried making my own once.
> Soaked the cherries ahead of time in kirschwasser. It was pretty
> darned good.
> One of our local family owned ice cream shops makes a Black Forest
> Chocolae Cake ice cream. The ice cream is chocolate, with fudgy
> chunks of darker chccolate, cherries, and chunks of frozen whipped
> cream.
Oh, Wayne, maybe there should be a contest. I'd be willing to sit down for
an afternoon and do a comparison test between Cherry Garcia and Black