What do you consider the best food in NYC?
blake murphy wrote:
> On Thu, 01 Jul 2010 20:55:33 -0500, Pete C. wrote:
> > Don Martinich wrote:
> >>
> >> In article .com>,
> >> "Pete C." > wrote:
> >>
> >>> Let me preface this by saying that I hate NYC and think overall it is a
> >>> festering dumpster of pseudo-humanity. Beyond that however, if you have
> >>> to go there for some reason, there is indeed very good food pretty much
> >>> everywhere if you avoid any sort of national chain place. I've had great
> >>> pizza from a hole in the wall place across the street from B&H Photo, a
> >>> great Ethiopian dinner at Queen of Sheeba Ethiopian Restaurant somewhere
> >>> on the way back to the bus station, and various other great food
> >>> elsewhere.
> >>
> >> I hope you waved hello to all my money when you walked by B&H Photo. ;=}
> >
> > Actually, B&H was the target, to visit their store after dealing with
> > them for years on the phone and online, and to pickup some film for the
> > photo shoot that brought us to NYC. After taking the bus down from CT
> > and hiking over to do our thing at B&H it was about lunch time and the
> > little hole in the wall across the street had really good pizza.
> not bad for pseudo-humans, huh?
> blake
Good food - Check
Clean streets - Fail
Clean buildings - Fail
Reliable infrastructure - Fail
Elbow room - Fail
Sane traffic - Fail
Reasonable parking - Fail
Friendly people - Fail
Low crime - Fail
Reasonable COL - Fail
CHL - Fail