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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default OffTopic, but important Dial *112

jmcquown wrote:

> Yep, this urban legend has been floating around out there for years.
> Along with the one about the $250 chocolate chip cookie recipe and
> waking up in a bathtub full of ice and missing a kidney Most
> countries have an emergency number to dial. (The one I know is 911, and
> in the U.S. you can still dial '0' for Operator and get connected to
> emergency services.)
> But there's a valid point hidden in the OP's post. Don't just pull over
> simply because a car flashes a light at you (red, blue or whatever) if
> you are in a remote area. I'm not saying lead the [possible] police in
> a merry high-speed chase - simply drive to the nearest gas station or
> residential area where you won't be alone on a dark stretch of highway.
> Most myths and legends, urban or not, seem to be based on a small kernel
> of truth.

There are thousands of traffic stops made every day. many of them by
unmarked cars. Then there is this one case of urban legend.

As someone who used to drive a cruiser and had authority use the red
lights to stop vehicles, I was always careful about when and where I
used them. I did it in locations where I thought that it was safe to do
so, both for me and for the other driver. There were occasions where
there was some risk, in which case I would get the driver to go to a
safer location. When you see those lights youa re supposed to pull over
and stop right away.