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World Times was Dinner Tonight
PL wrote:
> ChattyCathy > wrote in news:XytXn.54407$9c1.7119
> @hurricane:
>> On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 14:19:17 -0700, sf wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2 Jul 2010 16:14:00 -0400, "Dora" > wrote:
>>>> And a quarter past and a quarter to in London (site of the Greenwich
>>>> Observatory, hence Greenwich Mean Time, from which it all begins).
>>> PS: Which time is London and most of England going by? I don't
>>> remember a time change in or around London.
>>> PPS: Most of the GMT maps I just looked at (including
>>> do not show a meridian
>>> through London.
>> What Dora said. The lines on the map show the /borders/ of the time
>> zones. The meridian is in the /middle/ of the GMT zone.
>> Heh, guess it's *well* into the cocktail(s) hour in GMT-8(SF).
> Well, at 12:23pm Sat Jul03 Brisbane time, it's 4:23am Sat Cape Town,
> 7:24pm Friday US Pacific, 10:23pm Friday US Eastern, 3:23am Sat UK.
> Looks like Brisbane, Australia, is ahead of the rest of the world.
Shame the state govco is running about 100 years behind
> Not that it was ever in any doubt.
Gods own country though
> And good afternoon, good evening, and good morning..... I'm back :-)