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dsi1[_9_] dsi1[_9_] is offline
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Posts: 598
Default OffTopic, but important Dial *112

On 7/2/2010 4:35 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> "Giusi" > wrote in message
> ...
>> " Joe" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>> Unmarked cars with red light on cars, drive to a populated area
>>> before > pulling over and remember call *112.
>>> It was about 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon, and >Lauren was driving to
>>> visit a > friend.

>> I have been reading some form of that for about 15 years now, only the
>> name and the time of day change.

> Yep, this urban legend has been floating around out there for years.
> Along with the one about the $250 chocolate chip cookie recipe and
> waking up in a bathtub full of ice and missing a kidney Most
> countries have an emergency number to dial. (The one I know is 911, and
> in the U.S. you can still dial '0' for Operator and get connected to
> emergency services.)
> But there's a valid point hidden in the OP's post. Don't just pull over
> simply because a car flashes a light at you (red, blue or whatever) if
> you are in a remote area. I'm not saying lead the [possible] police in a
> merry high-speed chase - simply drive to the nearest gas station or
> residential area where you won't be alone on a dark stretch of highway.
> Most myths and legends, urban or not, seem to be based on a small kernel
> of truth.

My wife takes care of psych patients and feels that finding that small
kernel of truth to be an important part of her job. No matter how nutty
or unlikely it may be, that small thing matters a great deal.

> Jill