A Day Late but Not an Ice Cream Cone Short
Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Jean B. wrote:
>>> You just can't beat a really good vanilla. Hagen Daz, Ben & Jerry and
>>> the like. I like most of the fruit flavors and a good chocolate, but
>>> probably 50% or more of what I eat is vanilla. No toppings needed.
>> The best vanilla I ever had was in Tokyo. Looks like I'll be going to
>> Tokyo in October. I'd better not get my hopes up that this vanilla still
>> exists (ca 27 years later).
> Frusen Gladje made the best vanilla ice cream. My mother raved about how
> good Haagen Dazs was until I convinced her to try them side by side. Sadly,
> Haagen Dazs threatened supermarkets that they'd pull all their products off
> the shelves unless the markets stopped carrying Frusen Gladje, so Frusen
> Gladje went out of business.
> Bob
Oh gee. I barely remember Frusen Gladje.
Jean B.