OffTopic, but important Dial *112
On 7/2/2010 11:06 PM, Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
> On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 20:59:53 -0500, >
> wrote:
>> Just call 911. It will connect you to the closest 911 operator that can
>> then forward the call as needed to the most local dispatch.
> Not necessarily. Bill and I were traveling to Los Angeles from Orange
> County on the 405 one day when, for no reason that we could see, a
> truck suddenly went out of control and spun across about 5 lanes of
> traffic, miraculously not hitting anyone, but smashed into a retaining
> wall. This was near Long Beach. I dialed 911 and wound up with an
> emergency dispatcher in *Cerritos* which isn't anywhere *near* Long
> Beach. The dispatcher said she'd contact the LB emergency responders.
Yes, many states (mine included) treated the mandatory e911 tax on
cellphones as a windfall and used it for other stuff so many areas have
systems that aren't ready for prime time.
>> Honestly, I don't know who starts false internet rumors that can really
>> hurt people... or why. :-(
> Schadenfreude. Don't understand it, but know it's so.
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd