In article >,
Boron Elgar > wrote:
>On Thu, 1 Jul 2010 14:15:37 -0700 (PDT), Kris >
>>On Jul 1, 5:06*pm, Boron Elgar > wrote:
>>> Have a wonderful trip. Wave as you pass suburban NJ.
>>Our "splash out"dinners are the 21 Club (totally old-school NY and
>>Joan Crawford's favorite place)
>I have not been to 21 in years and did not even realize they were
>still around. Wow, what history in that place. Artisanal used to be a
>favorite haunt when I worked in the city. . It was right around the
>block from my office. We had great reseaturants near there...Tabla,
>Mesa Grill (I was surprised that was so good), Les Halles. And do not
>neglect the Shake Shack!
>>I agree with lunch at some other "hot" places, like Union Square Cafe.
>>Easier to get into (and afford). We'll try to do one of those
>>alternated between smaller unassuming places.
>>I looked into the Vendy awards to get some direction on good food
>>vendors. Made me really hungry. It's sad when street carts can have
>>better food that some entire cities!
>>And I will wave towards NJ if I can figure out which way it is.
That's easy. It's on the other side of the Hudson.
>Have a great time. See some shows, stroll avenues, if your weather is
>good, splurge on something notoriously overpriced and silly - a double
>Decker tour. Honestly, I've sent friends to do it and they've had a
>blast. It can be fun. Or take a boat ride on the Hudson. Crappy food
>on those boats, so that is a great time to take a Zabar's lunch along.
I took a Greyline double-decker "City Lights" tour and loved it! Mind
you, it was midsummer so I didn't get the full effect of Lincoln Center
after dark when we went by. (My jaw did kind of drop when I did see it.)
I also did the circle line boat tour.
Zabar's is the place for take-out. Fortunately the last couple of times
I've stayed with my friend on the Upper West Side, so I'm close.
The street cart scene was always fine but has really exploded since the
last time I was there.
I'm making notes for the next time I go.