What do you consider the best food in NYC?
sf wrote:
> On Sat, 03 Jul 2010 10:49:20 -0400, George >
> wrote:
> > Clearly you only want to see the worst because you seem to hate cities.
> > Thats fine but it doesn't make people "pseudo human". As far as parking
> > etc I never understood why so many people just don't get that cities
> > such as NYC have great transportation systems and that a car is simply a
> > liability.
> >
> > There are very significant changes in recent times. Travel around, you
> > will see vibrant neighborhoods where parents aren't afraid to bring
> > their kids, subways don't stink and aren't covered with graffiti and
> > stations are clean with many recently redone. You can see folks are much
> > happier and outgoing. I go there a lot and it is quite noticeable.
> Some people shouldn't ever leave home. He's one of them.
Funny you should say that, since you are the one who seems content to
never leave your little city enclave. Indeed in previous posts you've
indicated you are uncomfortable in an open country environment.
As for "leaving home", I'm the one that all my city and tight suburb
development living friends relay on when they need stuff done. Those
friends also come out to my shop to work on projects they can't at home
due to lack of "elbow room".