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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default What people eat around the world....

Omelet > wrote:

> notbob > wrote:

>> It's starting to look like there's a definite link between overweight
>> ppl and HFCS-loaded sodas. In a recent food exposé I watched, a NY
>> cabbie claimed he lost 30lbs by merely ceasing the consumption of
>> Coke, which he admitted he been virtually addicted to. While I
>> haven't really lost any weight, I've found it surprisingly easy to not
>> GAIN any weight since I cut sodas from my diet. I'm starting to look
>> for HFCS-containing foods and eliminate those, too.

>Glad I was not the only one that noticed that. <g>

OTOH I gained 13 lbs in an 18 month period even though I religiously
avoided all HFCS-containing food/drink, and have done so for years.

(I have since lost 9 of those back though.)

I tend to agree that HFCS calories are somewhat worse for your metabolism
than the same calories in other carbs, due to a few particularly bad
metabolic pathways they encourage.
