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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default What people eat around the world....

In article >,
sf > wrote:

> When push comes to shove, it's all sugar.

Very true!

> As long as I'd known him,
> hubby drank OJ by the 12oz glass (several glasses a day). To limit
> sugar intake, his Dr. finally advised him to eat whole fruit and not
> just drink the juice. She told him at least he'd be getting some
> fiber with it instead of drinking his sugar straight (words to that
> effect). He has stopped drinking juice now and doesn't eat the fruit
> either. He did so many unhealthy things to his body that he didn't
> think twice about because he didn't gain weight. The chickens came
> home to roost a couple of years ago and he had to make a huge
> lifestyle change if he wanted to continue living.

Part of that is getting educated about nutrition. :-)
And that healthy food tastes good!

Whenever my co-workers see me eating a big pile of greens with my lunch,
they comment on how healthy it looks. <g> I have developed a true liking
for leafy greens and the things you can do with them.

Did you know that a nice handful of baby spinach leaves and other
greens, including lettuce, dropped into a bowl of tomato soup and wilted
well is utterly delicious?

And low cal as well as being satisfying. Add shredded protein source of
your choice to make it even more so.
Peace! Om

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Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar and fat. --Alex Levine