Where has this thing been all my life?
On 7/5/2010 10:43 AM, Steve Pope wrote:
> > wrote:
>> On 7/5/2010 9:42 AM, Steve Pope wrote:
>>> I feel some heat when cooking, but not enough to bother me.
>>> In fact it is useful sensory input, as it tells me hot things
>>> are getting.
>> That's like saying improperly sized pans or not placing your pans
>> directly over the burners is useful for determining how hot your pans
>> are getting. I would rather not feel any heat at all
> To do all the things I need to do, I cook rather quickly. If
> I happen to go to the stove to stir one pot, and I notice
> thermally that the pot next to it is up to temperature without
> having to look at it, that saves me a few seconds.
> Similarly I like being able to hear things as they are cooking
> on the stove. That tells me how fast they are going. This is
> why I really dislike noisy kitchen fans -- they interfere with
> hearing what I'm cooking.
> In any case a gas burner gives you more direct feedback on
> what you're doing. This may or may not be to your liking,
> but I like it.
What I like or dislike is pretty irrelevant to your style of cooking.
It's not my intention to tell you how to cook however, you should be
aware of the good and bad of anything you choose or do not choose. I
happen to like old style electric elements but that's pretty much
disappearing. This may or may not be to your liking, but I like it.
> Steve