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spamtrap1888 spamtrap1888 is offline
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Default Are we (USA) the only ones who eat corn on the cob?

On Jul 6, 1:35*pm, Kate Connally > wrote:
> It seems that way. *I tried googling it this morning.
> I found reference to corn on the cob done up in a Mexican
> or other fashion but that was being sold in this country
> not in the country associated with the "flavorings". *I know
> many countries have corn on the cob but can't find any evidence
> of them actually eating it off the cob the way we do here.

Walking near the beach in Kelantan, Malaysia, almost 20 years ago now,
we passed a young woman boiling corn (to order) in a huge iron pot for
sale to passers-by. We hadn't come thousands of miles to eat corn, so
I don't know what condiments she had for it.