Are we (USA) the only ones who eat corn on the cob?
On 7/6/2010 4:24 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Tue 06 Jul 2010 02:07:43p, James Silverton told us...
>> ChattyCathy wrote on Tue, 06 Jul 2010 22:49:28 +0200:
>>> No.
>> I'm not surprised given the role that maize plays in South African
>> food. In the last few years the breeders seemed to have produced
>> white corn that keeps its sweetness much longer than I remember
>> from even 20 years ago.
> It's very unfortunate for me that my preference is for large kernel
> yellow field corn which is not particularly sweet by today's
> standards, but has a verys strong corn flavor. It is virtually
> impossible to find for sale in my area.
Ask around for yellow Trucker's Favorite Wayne, at the milk stage it is
delicious. Later on it can be dried for cattle fodder. We used to raise
several acres of it when I was a kid, ate as much as we could hold then
let it dry on the stalk and stored it in the corn crib for the cattle,
pigs, and chickens. I see the seed in catalogs occasionally so I know it
is still around. Like you, I wouldn't give two cents for a bushel of
white sweet corn, it just ain't right.
> I wouldn't give 2¢ for bushel of white sweet corn. In fact, I
> wouldn't take it for free.