Li'l Wayne the Cornholer... [WAS: Are we (USA) the only ones who eatcorn on the cob?
Li'l Wayne blabbles:
> On Tue 06 Jul 2010 03:35:27p, George Shirley told us...
> > On 7/6/2010 4:24 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> >> On Tue 06 Jul 2010 02:07:43p, James Silverton told us...
> >>> * ChattyCathy *wrote *on Tue, 06 Jul 2010 22:49:28 +0200:
> >>>> No.
> >>> I'm not surprised given the role that maize plays in South
> >>> African food. In the last few years the breeders seemed to have
> >>> produced white corn that keeps its sweetness much longer than I
> >>> remember from even 20 years ago.
> >> It's very unfortunate for me that my preference is for large
> >> kernel yellow field corn which is not particularly sweet by
> >> today's standards, but has a verys strong corn flavor. *It is
> >> virtually impossible to find for sale in my area.
> > Ask around for yellow Trucker's Favorite Wayne, at the milk stage
> > it is delicious. Later on it can be dried for cattle fodder. We
> > used to raise several acres of it when I was a kid, ate as much as
> > we could hold then let it dry on the stalk and stored it in the
> > corn crib for the cattle, pigs, and chickens. I see the seed in
> > catalogs occasionally so I know it is still around. Like you, I
> > wouldn't give two cents for a bushel of white sweet corn, it just
> > ain't right.
> I'm going to begin checking with produce managers and also farm
> stands when I see them. *Since many things are grown year 'round here
> in AZ, there may be a paticular time of year when some of that corn
> is grown. *Thanks for the name. *I'm sure that's the same thing I
> grew up eating. *Even here in AZ I was able to find that type of
> yellow corn until about 4-5 years ago. *Then it just seemed to
> disappear.
> I love it as corn on the cob, but I also like to cut the raw kernels
> and scrape the cob for the "milk". *Then blanch it and put it up in
> quart freezer jars. *I make a cream style corn out of that when
> thawed.