Are we (USA) the only ones who eat corn on the cob?
On Wed, 07 Jul 2010 14:18:52 -0500, George Leppla
> wrote:
>On 7/7/2010 2:02 PM, Nancy2 wrote:
>> I wasn't talking about chunks of corn on the cob - I see those all the
>> time. I was talking about cutting kernels off with a knife and fork
>> (during the meal) and eating them as one cuts them off. THAT, I've
>> never heard of.
>> N.
>My grandma did that. She couldn't eat corn on the cob because of her
>bad dentures.
>George L
Was just gonna say... even young folks with a full set of choppers...
I don't eat corn off the cob often because it's a bitch to floss corn.