Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Tue 06 Jul 2010 06:00:47p, Mark Thorson told us...
>> K wrote:
>>> I have seen corn-on-the-cob for sale all over Eastern Europe,
>>> throughout Central America (and yes, people were buying and
>>> eating it). It's actually quite popular steet food on the
>>> Western shore of the Adriatic amd the East coast of the Black
>>> Sea. There is a resort town (Varna) in Bulgaria where they sell
>>> real corn-on-the-cob right next to imitation popcorn, so go
>>> figure.
>> What the heck is imitation popcorn? Real popcorn is
>> so cheap, it's hard to see how any imitation would
>> have a chance.
It was in Bulgaria where popcorn may not be cheap. It is a different
variety, and anything imported is apt to be expensive.
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