On Thu, 08 Jul 2010 05:40:10 -0500, Omelet wrote:
> In article <y65Zn.145004$tH4.89773@hurricane>,
> ChattyCathy > wrote:
>> http://www.recfoodcooking.com
> Not likely. <g> Even tho' the cats are trained to stay off the kitchen
> counters and stovetop, pets are still not allowed in commercial
> kitchens. Too bad too is it'd probably control rodents in some areas!
Heh. Our cats learned pretty fast that going on the kitchen counter tops
is a no-no.... Still keep my spray bottle of water at hand and in plain
sight in case they even think about it <grin>
> I actually have to have a clean kitchen before I can cook. Counters and
> stove (and appliances) clean, dishes washed etc. The kitchen and
> bathroom are kept pretty clean most of the time as I cannot stand a
> dirty bathroom either.
I'm the same; hate dirty bathrooms and I can't start cooking if the
kitchen's a mess.
> The rest of the house is arbitrary and gets cleaned as I have time. ;-)
> Still gets swept regularly tho'. I don't have carpets any more thank
> the gods!
Amen to that. Most of my floors are tiled (including the kitchen and
laundry room) - just sweep 'em and then mop 'em with some household
cleaner and hot water; works for me. Carpets can indeed harbor more
'germs' and grime IMHO, and if you spill something sticky like soft drinks
or the such like on them - ick.
Chatty Cathy