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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default (2010-07-07) NS-RFC: For the 'germophobes' amongst us...

On Jul 8, 7:00*am, Orpheus99 > wrote:
> On 7/8/2010 10:42 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
> > would require of a commercial kitchen, even if my cat doesn't
> > go on the counters, she still spends enough time in there as
> > that's where she's fed.
> > nancy

> How many cat owners 'really believe' that their cats don't go onto the
> kitchen table or counters when we're out of the house? My cat's have
> always been 'water spray-bottle trained' to keep off those particular
> horizontal areas, and I've never once, in 30-40 years of
> cat-companionship seen any of my cats go up there 'when I'm in the house....'
> ... however... on a few occasions I have entered the house at times, I
> suppose, that the cat wasn't paying attention, walked into the kitchen
> and was as surprised as the cat, who virtually flew off the counter *and
> disappeared under the couch for the next three hours... finally slinking
> out, keeping well in the shadows and close to the walls making her way
> to her litter box. Hey... when ya gotta go, ya gotta go...
> --
> Orpheus99
> "A painter paints pictures on canvas. *Musicians paint their pictures on
> silence." *~Leopold Stokowski

Exactly. If people think they are keeping their cats off the kitchen
counters, they are delusional.

I use a bleach sanitizing 1 TBS to a gallon of water to wipe my
kitchen down well when I want to feel like I've
sanitized everything. Otherwise it's just a regular wipe down after
doing the dishes and sweeping up.

One of the reasons people are sick all the time is that we are not
allowing kids to eat dirt and boogers and
get dirty. The immune system doesn't have a chance to work properly.