On Jul 7, 5:19*pm, "K" > wrote:
> gloria.p wrote:
> > George Shirley wrote:
> >> On 7/6/2010 4:24 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> >> *Like you, I wouldn't give two cents for a bushel of
> >> white sweet corn, it just ain't right.
> >>> I wouldn't give 2¢ for bushel of white sweet corn. *In fact, I
> >>> wouldn't take it for free.
> > Silver Queen my favorite. *Unless it is overripe, it tastes much less
> > starchy to me than most yellow corn. *Yellow super-sweet varieties are
> > also delicious although I know many people here doesn't share that
> > opinion. *Feeedom of Taste should be a constitutional amendment.
> > gloria p
> I agree totally on Silver Queen, but it seems harder to find every year
> (Connecticut). *It used to be that we'd get yellow corn (cow corn) early,
> then the yellow and white (butter and sugar corn), and finally the Silver
> queen between mid-August and first frost. It seems that only the smallest
> stands still bother with Silver Queen. *I guess, given the time it takes
> from seeding to harvest is just too long to be profitable.
> Keith
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Cow corn would be yellow field corn - there is also yellow sweet corn
that is not field corn.