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merryb merryb is offline
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Default The annual Olympic Peninsula pilgrimage

On Jul 8, 7:24*am, ImStillMags > wrote:
> On Jul 7, 8:34*pm, Cindy Fuller >
> wrote:
> > We've gone to the Olympic Peninsula almost every year we've lived in
> > Seattle, usually in July when the hiking is good. *This year there was
> > still plenty of snow at the higher elevations, but a good time was still
> > had by both. *We stayed at the Red Lion Inn in Port Angeles (PA), which
> > is a stone's throw away from the waterfront and downtown. *Friday night
> > we had dinner at Bella Italia and saw many tourists taking pictures due
> > to the tie-in with the "Twilight" series of books and movies. *The
> > service was a bit spacy. *

> > Saturday we went up to Hurricane Hill and saw more critters than we'd
> > seen on previous trips. *This may be because it was much cooler than on
> > our earlier trips. *Deer and marmots were everywhere. *We even were
> > within about 5 feet of a rather curious mountain goat. *That night we
> > ate at Joy's Bistro, which is just east of downtown PA. *We both had the
> > prix fixe menu of ling cod with a bacon-wrapped asparagus salad and
> > profiteroles (baby cream puffs). *The cod was a little bland, but the
> > salad and dessert were outstanding. *

> > Sunday we went hiking on the coast at Shi Shi Beach. *There was a bit of
> > excitement before our arrival. *A woman had fallen off the steep hill
> > going down to the beach and hurt her back. *Fortunately, she was
> > airlifted to and treated at the hospital in PA and released. *After the
> > hike, we stopped to pick up some smoked salmon at the Take Home Fish
> > shop in Neah Bay. *The proprietor smokes salmon and halibut out of his
> > garage, and it is good stuff. *We had dinner at a little restaurant in
> > town before we went back for the PA fireworks show.

> > Monday was Sequim (pronounced Skwim) day. *Sequim is the lavender
> > capital of the NW. *I picked up some culinary lavender, a cookbook, and
> > a couple of plants for the yard. *We had lunch at a very nice Thai
> > restaurant in town. *The SO had a fried rice dish, while I had the
> > ginger chicken. *Most excellent. *On our way out of PA we picked up
> > bagels at the Olympic Bagel Co, which makes the best bagels in western
> > WA. *Every year we beg them to open a store in Seattle, but they haven't
> > done so yet. *As Chicago Cubs fans have been saying for over 100 years,
> > wait'll next year...

> > Cindy

> > --
> > C.J. Fuller

> > Delete the obvious to email me

> My two sisters were up for a visit in late May. *I took them to Port
> Angeles and up to Hurricane Ridge as well.
> People who have never been to the Pacific Northwest can't get over how
> lush, green and beautiful it is.
> You couldn't pry me out of this area with a crowbar!! *;-)- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Especially when the weather gets nice (finally)!!