Are we (USA) the only ones who eat corn on the cob?
On 7/8/2010 5:54 PM, ChattyCathy wrote:
> On Thu, 08 Jul 2010 11:23:16 -0700, sf wrote:
>> On Thu, 08 Jul 2010 05:47:11 -0500, > wrote:
>>> In article<ba2Zn.132205$tH4.59109@hurricane>,
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Most sets of 'grilling tools' sold here include those little corn on
>>>> the cob holder thingies with handles and couple spikes on them so
>>>> that one can skewer the cob on either end before munching the kernels
>>>> off the cob while still hot(ish). I've never bothered to use our set;
>>>> I have what my family calls 'cast iron' fingers<g>.
>>> I never use those little skewer handles either. If my corn is too hot
>>> to hold, it's too hot to eat. And since I eat it plain (no butter,
>>> salt, mayo, nuthin'!), It's tidy. ;-)
>> I love corn stabbers and always use them. Heat isn't the issue, butter
>> is.
> For the life of me, I can't figure out what using those 'corn stabbers'
> has to do with less messy eating of buttered corn - even if you use them
> you still have to bring them (and the corn) up to your teeth to munch the
> kernels - and that still doesn't stop drips of butter all over your
> blouse/shirt. So what am I missing here?