Are we (USA) the only ones who eat corn on the cob?
On Fri, 09 Jul 2010 21:36:00 +0900, Orpheus99 wrote:
> How do you butter you corn?
Liberally <g>
> I use a 'stick' of butter, holding the end
> still wrapped, and rub it back and forth slowly over the cob letting it
> melt. As we usually grill our corn (or more often than not, burn it)
> rather than steam or boil, the end of the stick does get a bit messy.
> Just makes the morning toast taste that much better!!
Butter in not generally sold in "sticks" over here; the butter I buy (even
some of the imported butter) comes in 250g or 500g "bricks", so I just
cut off what I need, when I need it. Nothing preventing me dividing it up
into nice uniformly sized "sticks" myself I suppose, but I've never
Chatty Cathy