Think you've heard it all?
On 7/8/2010 10:13 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Thu 08 Jul 2010 06:33:08p, George Shirley told us...
>> On 7/8/2010 6:29 PM, Sunny wrote:
>>> On Thu, 08 Jul 2010 22:55:05 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
>>> > wrote:
>>>>> They also had enamel BWB and pressure canners and seals. I was
>>>>> surprised because this was in a pretty yuppie shopping area.
>>>>> gloria p
>>>> Yuppies can too! :-)
>>> Reminds me I need a new seal for my old Presto. Being of a
>>> "certain" age, "yuppie" means something to me. Wonder what they
>>> call yuppies now? Or all they ALL yuppies?
>>> Lou
>> I buy them online, every other year I get a new gasket seal and
>> the pop off seal. The steam valves I get checked locally. My
>> pressure canner is a forty plus year old Sears one, I think they
>> called it either Harmony Maid or Maid of Harmony, too lazy to go
>> look in the pantry. We don't ever throw anything away.<G>
> IIRC, George, one of the Sears in-house brand names was Maid of
> Honor. Yep, I just checked. It's Maid of Honor.
That's it, Maid of Honor, it's still made by Presto back then. As long
as it works okay and I can get the pressure gauge checked annually I
will keep on using it. I think we bought it about 1964, may have been
earlier. We've been gardening and canning as a couple for nearly fifty
years now. She's out in the garden harvesting stuff now.