John Doe wrote
> Rod Speed <> wrote
>> Mark Thorson wrote
>>> John Doe wrote
>>>> I am surprised that so many baby products are made in
>>>> China, including baby bottles, pacifiers, and teething rings.
>>>> Apparently saving a few pennies has been a consumers'
>>>> only concern over the last decade or so.
>>> I doubt the savings is really passed to the consumer.
>> They are anyway. Have a look at the prices we now pay for low cost
>> consumer goods, most obviously with the lowest cost T shirts etc etc etc.
> And only a "me first" "greed is good" "jobs Americans won't do" (Australian)
> moron would not realize that sooner or later the picnic is going to end.
There is no picnic, and it aint gunna end either.
America is STILL the world's top manufacturing country.
>>> There's a certain price people will pay for such things,
>>> and you won't find these items much cheaper than that.
>> That is just plain wrong.
> Says Rod Speed, the troll extraordinaire.
You never ever could bullshit your way out of a wet paper bag.
>> The lowest price T shirts etc are much cheaper than they used to be.
> Made with slave labor,
Another pig ignorant lie. You dont pay slaves, ****wit.
> with the cheapest materials.
Same materials everyone else uses, ****wit.
>> Power tools etc in spades.
> Only in a vacuum. Some of those power tools are junk.
Some of those made in the US were too.
>>> I suspect Wal-Mart pockets most of the savings from moving production to China.
>> The consumer still gets much lower prices anyway.
> Says the infamous nym-shifting troll.
You never ever could bullshit your way out of a wet paper bag.
>> And its completely trivial to cut out the middle man
>> and deal with the chinese directly if you want to too.
> Only if you eliminated the design concerns,
> but then the troll would not think of that since he knows nothing about engineering.
You never ever could bullshit your way out of a wet paper bag.
> The problem is, besides employing slave labor,
You dont pay slaves, ****wit.
> putting your fellow countrymen out of work,
Have fun explaining how come the unemployment rate bottomed at
4.x% with an immense legal and illegal immigration rate just before
your clowns were allowed to completely implode the entire world
financial system, AGAIN.
> and losing manufacturing capability,
America is STILL the world's top manufacturing country.
> you end up with garbage designs.
No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing
you to buy a damned thing made in China, ****wit.
> I bought a Panasonic vacuum cleaner not long ago that has to
> be the worst designed product I have ever seen. Made in China,
No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing
you to buy a damned thing made in China, ****wit.
> and probably designed in India or China too.
No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to
buy a damned thing designed in China or India, ****wit.
> To further reduce costs, big companies move the design facilities
> to China so that they are close to the production facilities.
No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to
buy a damned thing designed in China or India, ****wit.
> And if you do not care about your fellow countrymen
Have fun explaining how come the unemployment rate bottomed at
4.x% with an immense legal and illegal immigration rate just before
your clowns were allowed to completely implode the entire world
financial system, AGAIN.
> or using slaves to make things for you,
You dont pay slaves, ****wit.
> you might want to consider the hazardous materials from lack of quality control.
No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing
you to buy a damned thing made in China, ****wit.
> One thing for sure, I do not want slaves to dictators
You dont pay slaves, ****wit.
> who hate my country to make my food...
No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing
you to buy a damned thing made in China, ****wit.