Think you've heard it all?
"gloria.p" > wrote in message
> George Shirley wrote:
>> After I dropped a glass jar I was using for storage I switched to all
>> plastic containers. Can't remember the name of the ones I bought at Bed,
>> Bath, & Beyond but they're rectangular, have a lid that locks down and a
>> lid inside the lid that also locks down. I can two-stack them on the
>> grains shelf in the pantry and they're very handy. No more glass jars for
>> me except for things I keep in the freezer. Things like soy flour, extra
>> yeast, wheat gluten, cracked wheat, etc. All neatly lined up on a door
>> shelf in the upright freezer.
> Sounds too obsessive-compulsive for me. (There's a cure for that, you
> know....)
seriously?? cuz, my family would appreciate you curing me... : )
Kathi.......checking the spelling in the previous
> ;-)
> gloria p
> who wishes she were more organized