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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Think you've heard it all?

On 7/10/2010 3:33 PM, gloria.p wrote:
> George Shirley wrote:
>> After I dropped a glass jar I was using for storage I switched to all
>> plastic containers. Can't remember the name of the ones I bought at
>> Bed, Bath, & Beyond but they're rectangular, have a lid that locks
>> down and a lid inside the lid that also locks down. I can two-stack
>> them on the grains shelf in the pantry and they're very handy. No more
>> glass jars for me except for things I keep in the freezer. Things like
>> soy flour, extra yeast, wheat gluten, cracked wheat, etc. All neatly
>> lined up on a door shelf in the upright freezer.

> Sounds too obsessive-compulsive for me. (There's a cure for that, you
> know....)
> ;-)
> gloria p
> who wishes she were more organized

I am Sir Neat, he who tidies up the world. A place for everything and
everything in its place. Of course I have developed that knack during
fifty years of marriage to an artist, and you know how messy they are.

I truly don't mind a messy house but no mess in my kitchen or pantry and
you had better put something back where you found it or receive the ire
of Sir Neat. My grandkids are afraid to come into my kitchen since I
bought one of those giant wooden spoons like the one Barb threatens
everyone with.