The curse of un·hot peppers
On Sun, 11 Jul 2010 21:30:30 -0500, zxcvbob wrote:
> Most store-bought jalapeños are mild. Not just slightly hot, but mild
> like a bell pepper. (I seek out the ones with cracks in the skins, they
> often have a little heat.) So I started buying serranos, but they are
> not really hot either now. Yesterday I bought a handful of little Thai
> peppers thinking at least they would be hot. Well, some of them are,
> barely.
> This is starting to **** me off.
> Fresh habaneros, dried chilitepins and chipotles, and cayenne pepper
> don't taste right for a lot of uses, even though they are still hot.
> Maybe I need to try the Asian and Mexican grocery stores.
> Bob
i think you should try asian and mexican stores. not only is success
likely, it would be fun.
your pal,