Blue Bunny vanilla rip-off
On 7/11/2010 1:57 AM, Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Nasty wrote:
>>>> But, if you don't like stiff, hard, no-mouth-feel,
>>>> not-even-as-good-as-ice-milk, I recommend passing on their natural
>>>> vanilla.
>>> I guess you won't be applying to head their marketing department.
>> sf, what exactly is it with you that you feel the need to belittle certain
>> posters here when they have simply posted a simple question or discussion
>> topic.
> So *you* think that someone who calls the product in question, "stiff, hard,
> no-mouth-feel, not-even-as-good-as-ice-milk" *should* head up the marketing
> department for that product? Do you have any clue how stupid that makes you
> look? Try THINKING before you post again; your posts are not worthy of any
> discussion group on Usenet. They might be well-suited to a discussion group
> of brain-damaged alcoholics in shackles, though. Have you thought about
> joining such a group? I'm sure they'd welcome you with open knives.
> Also, before you post again, you really ought to acquaint yourself with the
> concept of badinage. What sf wrote is an example of badinage, and it went
> right over your head -- much like at least 90% of the conversations here.
> Bob
You said it, Bob. Unfortunately ever since I got the new version
of Mozilla T-bird I have not been able to killfile anyone. I follow
directions exactly as they say and it just doesn't work. I never should
have got the new version. Anyway, if I ever get killfile to work that
where a certaim party whom I shall not name is going. Sigh.
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?