On 7/12/2010 7:43 PM, Arri London wrote:
> zxcvbob wrote:
>> On 7/11/2010 9:57 PM, lil abner wrote:
>>> zxcvbob wrote:
>>>> Most store-bought jalapeños are mild. Not just slightly hot, but mild
>>>> like a bell pepper. (I seek out the ones with cracks in the skins,
>>>> they often have a little heat.) So I started buying serranos, but they
>>>> are not really hot either now. Yesterday I bought a handful of little
>>>> Thai peppers thinking at least they would be hot. Well, some of them
>>>> are, barely.
>>>> This is starting to **** me off.
>>>> Fresh habaneros, dried chilitepins and chipotles, and cayenne pepper
>>>> don't taste right for a lot of uses, even though they are still hot.
>>>> Maybe I need to try the Asian and Mexican grocery stores.
>>>> Bob
> You do need to try those shops. Their customers are unlikely to tolerate
> any dumbing down of capsaicin content 
I stopped by the Asian market on the way home today. Bought a little
handful of Thai peppers. I asked the grocer if they were hot and he
said yes. After he weighed them, I took one out of the bag and ate it.
A little heat if I used my imagination. He said when they get red
Thai peppers in, those sell out quickly. I probably shouldn't have
bought them but I didn't want to make a scene over 50¢ worth of peppers.
I ate the whole bag of 'em tonight. A few were kind of warm. Some
were as mild as bell peppers, although they tasted like Thai peppers
except for the heat (unlike the mild jalapeños that don't really taste
like anything)
They did have red scotch bonnet peppers (which he pointed out) but I'm
not stupid -- besides, their fruity taste doesn't work except in a few
I have a tabasco pepper plant growing in a big pot. It's about to start
blooming, so maybe I'll get some fruit this year. I put it in a pot
right from the start so I can bring it indoors this winter without
having to dig it up. It should do well for me next year if I can keep
the spider mites from destroying it in February.
Ultimately I'm going to have to rework my recipes to use a mixture of
mild jalapenos and dried bird peppers.