Things to eat while your wife is gone
spamtrap1888 wrote:
> On Jul 13, 7:48 pm, Dave Smith > wrote:
>> J wrote:
>>> LOL. My late mother would often have liver when we went out to eat
>>> because *we* (my late brother and I) did not like the smell of it
>>> cooking, or the taste. Since her passing 20-odd years ago, I have
>>> grown to enjoy many things I did not eat then, but still avoid liver.
>> I am not a fan of liver but my wife loves it. If we go to a restaurant
>> that has liver and bacon or liver and onion on the menu she gets it.
> To prevent that horrible liver smell and taste cook no longer than
> you have to. I just sear both sides. Calves liver is milder than beef;
> lamb's liver is also mild. Buy a tub of chicken livers and go to town.
I don't dislike the smell and taste of liver. It's the texture I have
trouble with. I eat liverwurst almost every day. My experiences with
fried liver have not been great.