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Manda Ruby Manda Ruby is offline
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Posts: 510
Default Stupid question, but I have to ask...

On Jul 13, 9:23*pm, "Paul M. Cook" > wrote:
> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> 5.247...
> > How do you effectively remove the was coating applied to regular
> > cucumbers?

> > I usually buy English cucumbers when I want to use them with the skin
> > on, and usually peel regular cucumbers because of the wax. *It would be
> > nice to use them with the skin if I could get all the waxs off.

> A lot of cukes have very bitter skin. *Baking soda and lemon juice in warm
> water and a vegetable brush is the only way I know to get the wax off.

Can you tell me the ratio of baking soda to lemon juice to water?

Are those vege wash good for removing pesticides?

> suppose a quick dunk in boiling water could possibly do the job but I've
> never tried it.
> Paul