Stupid question, but I have to ask...
On Jul 14, 6:35*am, brooklyn1 > wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Jul 2010 06:43:53 +0000 (UTC),
> (Steve Pope) wrote:
> >Paul M. Cook > wrote:
> >>If I had the need for a crate of cukes for pickling I'd fid a farmers market
> >>and get them wax free to start with.
> >For sure. *
> >Life is too short to eat waxed produce.
> The wax used to coat produce is perfectly edible... it's a vegetable
> product... it's only a problem with cukes for pickling but pickling
> cukes (kirbys) are rarely if ever waxed. *There is never a reason to
> remove produce wax.
OK then.