Think you've heard it all?
On 7/14/2010 2:39 PM, Marilyn wrote:
> "Ranée at Arabian > wrote in message
> ...
>> In >,
>> > wrote:
>>> We were the SILKS, single-income, lots of kids :-) when my kids were
>>> young.
>> I like that, I think I'll borrow it. :-)
>> Regards,
>> Ranee @ Arabian Knits
> Feel free. I don't know where it came from. We were also LETS, which was a
> military thing. Stood for lower enlisted trash and scum. We didn't think
> of ourselves that way, but there were officers who treated us that way.
I represent that. The best officers I served with were "mustangs",
jumped up enlisted trash and scum according to the ring knockers.*
I eventually became one myself and always, always, treated enlisted with
respect and dignity. Had to chew out several butter bar** officers though.
*Military academy graduates
**Second lieutenants, fresh from the academy and full of themselves and
their importance.