Stupid question, but I have to ask...
In article >,
Paul M. Cook > wrote:
>"Bob Terwilliger" > wrote in message
. ..
>> Paul wrote:
>>>> Here in Bakersfield, the farmers markets are disappointing. I think
>>>> they are taking advantage of a lot of people not knowing what ripe
>>>> fruit looks and smells like.. Not only fruit too.. They are selling
>>>> grossly underripened fruit...and I keep on telling them that if they
>>>> want me to buy it, they will have to have it a bit riper.
>>>> The corn is good though..
>>> Lousy farmer's markets in Bakersfield? I know that urban sprawl has hit
>>> them hard but are all the farms gone?
>> Quite a few farms in the area have been affected by the political decision
>> to cut off agricultural water, a decision which seems to have been made
>> out of spite. (Google [California dust bowl congress Obama].)
>Twasn't political. The water is just not there and the farmers were getting
>it way too cheap and using it very wastefully.
It's been going on for a long, long time; well before the current
administration. I saw the signs en route to visiting my grandmother when
she was shifted down to Fraisneaux.
Don't get me started on some of the crop selection.
>Also, way too much
>development and way too many swimming pools didn't help. It was **** poor
>planning. California gets less water from the Colorado River now, too so
>that puts more pressure on the internal supplies. Spite it was not, there
>is simply not enough water in the state to go around.
The three-year Southwest-up-to-Norcal drought didn't help.
Until Chris finds the local equivalent of Pedrick Produce or the Farmer's
Wife, I also suspect that the el primo stuff gets on a truck headed over
the Grapevine and gets sold at LA-area markets for top dollar.