dick wrote:
> Also, I looked at your header...how does Mark L read the header and find
> Connecticut. I could not find at all?
Nothing magical here. I just resolved the IP number found in the
NNTP-Posting-Host header record. The host name in this case was quite
informative (91.hartford-20rh15-16rt.ct.dial-access.att.net). It doesn't
take a genius to figure out where that is likely to be located ;-) although
the OP seems to have been mortally offended that it was 80 miles off. Since
not all host names are so rich in geographic information, you can also use the
traceroute utility to follow the hops that the Internet takes in getting from
your computer to theirs: very often the names of the servers involved in the
intermediate hops will give you detailed information about their location,
which helps place the destination host. This may all seem arcane and
pointless, but is very useful when dealing with spammers (and took me all of
30 seconds in this case). Even if you don't know how to find those utilities
on your computer, you can use web-based versions:
http://www.samspade.org <------ often slow response
Mark Lipton