Wizardry ( Any ideas besides Ebay ...)
I protest these revelations of location technique. Mark, you give away the
goodies for free, then how is a semi-honest wizard to make a living? ("...
The better to commune with the infinite," as the "little man" in the wagon
pattered, early in the film of _The Wonderful Wizard of Oz._)
It is useful (though might not fool a good wizard) to have plural, or even
several, Internet providers and email addresses, geographically diverse --
keeps 'em guessing on these new "WWW" interfaces. (An esteemed, highly
accomplished European-émigré co-worker once said, and he knew whereof he
spoke: "You can never have too many bank accounts, or too many passports."
Not the same immigrant I cited earlier on another newsgroup who said " ...
vreedom will zeeeease to exist," but another, from not far away.)
"The WWW world consists of documents, and links." -- Tim Berners-Lee,
Message-ID: >, 6 Aug 91 16:00:12 GMT, Subject:
WorldWideWeb: Summary. [Usenet's introduction to the idea of a "Web" of
linked documents.]
"Mark Lipton" > wrote in message
> dick wrote:
> > Also, I looked at your header...how does Mark L read the header and find
> > Connecticut. I could not find at all?
> Dick,
> Nothing magical here. I just resolved the IP number found in the
> NNTP-Posting-Host header record. ... you can also use the
> traceroute utility ... Even if you don't know how to find those utilities