Wizardry ( Any ideas besides Ebay ...)
Max Hauser wrote:
> I protest these revelations of location technique. Mark, you give away the
> goodies for free, then how is a semi-honest wizard to make a living? ("...
> The better to commune with the infinite," as the "little man" in the wagon
> pattered, early in the film of _The Wonderful Wizard of Oz._)
LOL! Max, I haven't worn my wizard's hat for over a decade now, as I pursue
the brass ring here at Purdue. I'm sure that the point of my hat is drooping
now anyway. But I've always been one to point out what lies behind the
curtain, so I guess I'm an open source kinda wizard these days... ;-)
> It is useful (though might not fool a good wizard) to have plural, or even
> several, Internet providers and email addresses, geographically diverse --
> keeps 'em guessing on these new "WWW" interfaces. (An esteemed, highly
> accomplished European-émigré co-worker once said, and he knew whereof he
> spoke: "You can never have too many bank accounts, or too many passports."
> Not the same immigrant I cited earlier on another newsgroup who said " ...
> vreedom will zeeeease to exist," but another, from not far away.)
Certainly, there are several ways to evade the scrutiny of others on Usenet.
Commercial services like Altopia, Teranews and several others will strip all
revealing information from the headers. You can also post through the
remailer network, too, though that tends not to be so user-friendly. The less
ethical among us could also exploit SOCKS5 proxies or other gimmickry. One of
the nice aspects of this group, though, is that most of us post "out in the
open" so to speak, and little evasion is needed for the most part (except to
escape spammers, may they burn in hell for all eternity [or spend a weekend
watching 'American Idol' reruns]) Your co-worker's philosophy is an
interesting one, but hard to pursue (legally) for an American citizen.
Mark Lipton