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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Squash by any other name

On Sat, 17 Jul 2010 17:22:52 -0700, "Steve B"
> wrote:

> But I mean, on the larger ones, I want to do something other than just
> cooking them halved or quartered. It is difficult to skin them, and slice
> them, but are they good to do that way, then say, sauté them, or even grill
> them? Mashing them or pureeing them into soups and casseroles is not what I
> want to do. I just want to cut them in chunks, then fry, grill, wok, or
> cook them that way. I think 1/2" slices cooked on a hot grill with grill
> lines, and soaked in some marinade before hand would work.

You're limiting yourself to grilling? Find some marinades and
> I have some ideas, but I guess it is just like any other cooking, you just
> cook some up and see how it comes out. Sometimes, it's good, and sometimes,
> no matter what you do, it tastes like chicken.

Exactly which squashes are you talking about?


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