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George Shirley George Shirley is offline
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Default Squash by any other name

On 7/17/2010 7:01 PM, Steve B wrote:
> Can one cook squashes in multiple ways, other than splitting in half or
> quarters and microwaving or baking? Is it good sliced, or other ways. I'm
> talking of the larger varieties, and not the smaller ones like summer squash
> and zucchini that can be sliced. Something that yields big chunks or
> slices.
> Steve
> visit my blog at

If you're talking about winter squash, yes you can. I've made soup from
them by running the flesh through the food processor, adding spices and
bit of milk and cooking. They can be cooked in about any way you can
cook summer squash but it takes longer because winter squash flesh is
much more firm. Think about pumpkin recipes and then sub winter squash.
Pumpkin is just a big squash basically.