Odd sized jars?
On Jul 17, 7:12*pm, "gloria.p" > wrote:
> I was reading through a couple of Ball Blue Books and some
> other canning books today and saw a reference to using
> 1 1/2 pint jars. *(3 cups) *Has anyone ever seen these
> or was it a typo? Did they mean 1 1/2 CUP (18 oz.)
> which exist but aren't that easy to find?
> gloria p
I have eight 3 cup jars made by Atlas. they are quart hight but are
somewhat narrower. they all come from Classico Spaghetti Sauce. My
daughter and I both prefer that brand. I use them and their lids as
drinking jars cause five of them contains enough water for my daily
ration. LOL
Classico also sells quarts at Sam's club or some such, and I've
recently seen half pints but neither of these has the proper canning
lid screw closure so they may be doing away with that and going to the
single use lids. I better go buy more I guess. LOL
FWIW, Kitty