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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Squash by any other name

"Steve B" wrote
> "cshenk" wrote

>>>> Can one cook squashes in multiple ways, other than splitting in half or
>>>>> quarters and microwaving or baking? Is it good sliced, or other ways.

>> You need to be a bit more specific on type before anyone can give you a
>> recipe idea. You could be talking anything from a mother hubbard to an
>> acorn squash for all we can tell!

> Ms./Mr./Mrs./Sir/Esq. shenk:

Grin, It's Carol. Hello Steve.

> Please refer to the simple lucid response below:
> They are difficult to cook the way you want to because they are a lot
> denser and harder than summer squash and take a long time to cook.
> Roasting or simmering is the most efficient way to cook them because
> they don't dry out.
> gloria p
> And what's with the exclamation points? !!! ?, Ms. Shenk?

Just one used. I was trying to send you recipes but don't know enough of
what you were looking for. If you have a specific one in mind I can help

Sheldon also helped with an idea I think I want to try. My smoker is often
underfilled. I doubt the smoke itself will make much difference but the
long slow cooking might be just the ticket for some types.

For grilling, pattypans work nicely. Cut in half and brush with oil, cook
open side up with a little broth often added if what i have done. Don likes
to add butter and brown sugar to them. These arent peeled, just halved and