On Mon, 19 Jul 2010 01:05:19 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>On 2010-07-19, Steve B > wrote:
>> Does anyone here make beer? I believe I will get the stuff together and
>> brew some this winter. I would like to hear just from people who have
>> actually done it, and some pointers, and sites that are good.
>I brew ....or have brewed. Not brewing currently.
>There are two basic forms of brewing. Extract and whole grain.
>Extracts are usually "kits" or separate components and use "malt
>extracts", which are thick molasses-like liquids that are basically
>barley and sometimes hops that have already been partially processed.
>Jes add water to the syrup and boil to finish the brewing process.
>The other, "whole grain", uses real whole barley and other grains and
>hops and water (the 3 main ingredients) and requires more steps to
>extract the starch from the grain. Both work just fine, but whole
>grain will provide a superior beer. Extract is easier and cheaper and
>probably the best place to begin if you don't have a real live brewing
>mentor to teach you the ropes, but I won't claim it's the only way to
>begin. I was fortunate enough to have a mentor and have never done
>extract brewing.
You should at least try using a quality wurt/extract at least once.
I personally do not completely agree with you that starting with whole
grain necessarily results in a superior product. It most certainly
can, but then that all depends on what you're looking for, assuming
you have a clear idea in your mind as to what your'e trying to
I reckon for a beginner, a kit/extract is the best way to start. Gives
you a chance to become familiar with the whole process (apart from
preparing your own grain - which is very time consuming).
>This is the hands down RECOMMENDED-BY-ALL authority on home brewing,
>both basic and advanced. As an extra bonus, it's absolutely FREE!!:
>Read the entire book at least once before you even think of brewing.
>Pay close attention to sanitation!! Whether you do extract or whole
>grain, sanitation is as critical as in any hospital operating room.
>Poor sanitation practices can completely hose a batch of beer and ruin
>mucho hours of hard work.
>I almost forgot "yeast", one last requirement and essential in either
>extract or whole grain brewing. I should have said four main
>ingredients. It's an absolute requirement, but not so difficult to
>deal with. After you've boiled the wort ....read the book!.... jes
>toss in the yeast as a last step before fermentation. No biggie.
>Here's my favorite brewing supply website:
>I'm not saying you can't find cheaper, or shouldn't look, specially
>when shipping costs become an issue, but this is a good reliable
>source of information for all things beer and a good place to get a
>lay of the land. They have absolutely everything you would ever need
>to brew beer. I've dealt with them often, as they custom built my
>brewing kegs, so I know them to be honest and reliable folks, should
>you decide to deal with them.
>Good luck and feel free to ask any more questions.
Good looking linkages... I'll have to check them out myself, thanks.