Shipping Wine to Me From Me
On Mon, 08 Mar 2004 23:18:29 GMT, "JB" > wrote:
>I'm considering a trip out west to tour Napa and Sonoma wineries. I live in
>a state that no longer allows wine to be shipped in direct to an individual,
>so no internet sales here. My question: Since wineries and retailers can't
>ship to my state, what's to prevent me from assembling a couple of cases of
>wines that I purchase out there and sending it back to me? Are there
>shipping services available - styrofoam boxes, etc. easily accessible for me
>to do this? Is the cost reasonable?
>Thanks for any advice.
I don't see why you couldn't. It would depend upon the wording of your
particular state law however. (I'm fortunate enough to live in an
enlightened state.)
Currently some stores provide a disclaimer on their online sites that
states "title passes to the owner in the state" and then shipping is
technically as you describe--self-to-self.
Most definitely in Napa/Sonoma you'll find it easy to get good
styrofoam packing shapes and appropriate boxes. UPS, Fedex, Airborne,
Roadway, etc. all do a nice job of handling the shipments. Cost is
minimal for good wines.
Ed Rasimus
Fighter Pilot (USAF-Ret)
"When Thunder Rolled"
Smithsonian Institution Press
ISBN #1-58834-103-8