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Mark Lipton
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Default Shipping Wine to Me From Me

JB wrote:

> Hello!
> I'm considering a trip out west to tour Napa and Sonoma wineries. I live in
> a state that no longer allows wine to be shipped in direct to an individual,
> so no internet sales here. My question: Since wineries and retailers can't
> ship to my state, what's to prevent me from assembling a couple of cases of
> wines that I purchase out there and sending it back to me? Are there
> shipping services available - styrofoam boxes, etc. easily accessible for me
> to do this? Is the cost reasonable?

Beverages & More, located throughout the Bay Area, sell styrofoam wine shippers
in 2-, 4-, 6- and 12-bottle format (this includes a corrugated cardboard
exterior). Buy however many you need, load 'em up, seal them and place
address information on the outside, then take to a UPS store or FedEx outlet
and send them to yourself. Do not indicate the nature of the contents
anywhere on the box or the paperwork. Cost: roughly $25 per 12 bottle shipper
for 2-day shipping. Make sure that the bottles won't encounter temperature
extremes (>90° F or <20° F) in their journey and enjoy.

Mark Lipton